Year 6 Kingfishers
Welcome to Kingfishers
Class Teacher - Miss Griffiths
LSP - Mrs Mall
Our Learning
Spring Term
During the spring term, we will begin by learning about ratio, followed by algebra. We will also cover fractions, decimals and percentages, area, perimeter and volume. We will end the term by learning about statistics. We will continue to develop our arithmetic skills and timestable knowledge. Please use Times Table Rock Stars at home to keep practising.
Our term starts with thinking about winter and writing a setting description. We will then be using ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written by William Shakespeare to inspire a range of writing including a newspaper report and a playscript. We will be continuing to develop our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills over the term.
In reading, our text of the term is ‘Wonder,’ by R J Palacio. This is a fantastic text with some challenging themes that will allow for some excellent discussion and learning. The children will also be identifying and defining unfamiliar vocabulary to support their understanding of the text. This will be further developed by answering a range of questions about the text.
We will also read a wide range of other texts throughout the term to ensure that the children are exposed to a wide range of authors and genres.
Our science topic this term is circulatory and the respiratory systems. In this topic, children will investigate the effects of exercise on the heart as well the need for a healthy diet and lifestyle. The children will become familiar with a range of scientific terminology and they will also plan an investigation linked to their heart rate.
This term we are learning about the census and what we can learn from the information it gives us. We look at local census information as well as national and make comparisons between areas of our country.
Our geography this term complements our history as we are considering how our population has changed changed overtime. This will include data analysis and map work.
PE is on Thursday this term. We will be developing our skills in dance followed by hockey after the half-term holiday.
Swimming will continue every Friday this term. Children will continue to have a full hour swimming session and will work towards the national curriculum requirement to competently, confidently and proficiently swim over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
This term children will be developing their language skills by learning vocabulary associated with houses and where we live. During the term there will be the opportunity to read, write and listen to a range of key phrases, which they will use in conversation.
RE this term will focus on religions across all populations. We will link our learning with History by studying census data and drawing conclusions about patterns over time. We will also be studying how Hindu people lead a good life with a focus on Karma and Samsara.
In PSHE we are thinking about our future dreams and goals. We will link this to our forthcoming transition to secondary school, as well as our longer-term aspirations.
Look at what we have been doing...
Monday 3rd February - Friday 7th February
This week we have been celebrating Mental Health Week. In PSHE, we considered how we can 'Grow Ourselves' and develop aspects of ourselves like our patience and our listening skills. We came to school in our own clothes on Friday to celebrate our self-expression.
History Showcase
On the afternoons of 5th and 6th December, we invited parents and carers into school to look at, and hear about, our amazing History learning.
Friday 6th December
Wednesday 20th November
Today, Year 6 met with members of our local council during one of their meetings. During it, we learned about budget allocations and how the council spend money. We learned a lot about how the council works, including future employment opportunities should we wish to work for them in years to come! We joined online and really enjoyed our virtual experience.
Monday 2nd December
Kingfisher's Inspire session
On Monday morning, we welcomed many parents and carers into Year 6 to support us with our DT stuffed toys project. The children and parents worked hard to produce some beautiful toys, using a range of stitching styles.
Year 6 STEM session
Kingfishers Art Autumn 2024
This term we have completed two art projects. The first focused on drawing and using a range of pencil strokes, the second looked at a range of different artists and we created pieces to reflect their painting style.
Below are some of the examples of work we produced.