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Year 6 Kingfishers

Welcome to Kingfishers

Class Teacher - Miss Griffiths

LSP - Mrs Mall



Our Learning

Autumn term

During the autumn term, we will begin by learning about the place value of numbers up to 10,000,00. We will then move onto addition, subtraction, multiplication and division before ending the term looking at fractions. Throughout this time, we will continue to develop our arithmetic skills and timestable knowledge. Please use Times Table Rock Stars at home to keep practising.


We will begin by using the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and then Letters from the Lighthouse as a stimulus for writing in Year 6. We will be continuing to develop our spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and applying this in a range of writing genres including a diary, formal letter, character description and a narrative.


In reading, our text of the term is ‘Boy at the back of the class’ by Onjali Q Raúf. The children will be identifying and defining unfamiliar vocabulary to support their understanding of the text. This will be further developed by answering a range of questions about the text.  

We will also read a wide range of other texts throughout the term to ensure that the children are exposed to a wide range of authors and genres.


Our science topic this term is ‘light’. In this topic, children will investigate mirrors and shiny surfaces and how they change the direction in which light travels. They will learn how light enters the eye so that we can see the things around us.  Work in this topic also offers opportunities for children to investigate refraction, colours of light and will include the works of key scientific figures such as Isaac Newton.


This term we will be learning about the impact of World War 2 on the people of Britain. This is a fabulous topic where children will learn about the build up to the war, life during the war as well as its lasting impact on society. We will end this topic with a visit to the RAF Museum Cosford! During this topic, we will cover all of the history curriculum and will be very happy to share with you the work that we complete in our museum, later this term. 


In Geography, we will be studying the Alps (physical and human features).  We will also be considering our own local area and making comparisons between it and the Alps.


This term, we will be using paint and mixed media to create our own pieces or art.  We will study artists such as Lubania Himid and Paula Rego and use their work to influence our own. 


In DT, we will be producing our own teddy bears as well as using our cooking skills to create a meal!


In music this term we will be using our local area to influence our learning as well as learning songs from WW2.


PE is on Thursday this term. We will be developing our skills in handball. This will include shooting, defending, goal keeping, different techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling. We will develop an understanding the impact of exercise on our bodies and how to keep fit. 

Swimming will be on Friday this term. Children will have a half an hour swimming session and will work towards the national curriculum requirement to competently, confidently and proficiently swim over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


During the autumn term, we will be learning about online safety. We will develop a clear understanding of appropriate online behaviour, understand the meaning of our digital footprint, understand the importance of a balance in screen time and identify risks of mobile devices broadcasting their location. We will then move on to look at how to use a spreadsheet for calculations, planning and investigate probability. 


This term children will be developing their language skills by learning about French sport and the Olympics. They will be able to discuss sports that they enjoy and those they are not so fond of. They will learn the names of countries across the world as well as learning how to play a French sport!  During the term there will be the opportunity to read, write and listen to a range of key phrases, which the children will use in conversation. They will continue to recap on their previous learning from Year 5, which included greetings and introductory phrases.


RE this term will focus on Christianity and look in more detail at what Christians believe Jesus did to save people. Throughout the topic, Year 6 will explore the idea of the Messiah; the idea of sacrifice and what it means to us, as well as the celebration of Holy Communion. 


This term we are considering ‘Being me in my World’.  We will be contemplating our hopes, dreams and how we deal with any worries we may have.  Later in the term, we will be ‘Celebrating Difference’ by learning that we are all unique and have many talents to offer.

Look at what we have been doing...

Coming soon