Year 4 Starlings
Welcome to Starlings
Class Teacher - Mr Cole
LSP - Mrs Andrews
Our learning
Spring term
In our Maths lessons, we will be covering the following areas: multiplication, division, length, perimeter, fractions and decimals. We will continue to use manipulatives to offer an engaging way of driving children to arrive at solutions to maths problems while understanding the strategy behind the process.
We will also be working on learning the times-tables securely.
This half-term in English, we will be reading ‘BFG’. We will use the text to inspire two pieces of writing: a narrative and instructions. We will write a set of instructions to create our perfect dream.
Next half-term, we will be using the film 'The Lone Robot' to inspire some descriptive writing, as well as a sequel to the film.
In addition to our English work where we focus on the text structure of writing, we will also spend time developing our punctuation and grammar skills. This will be through a combination of separate grammar and punctuation lessons and activities integrated into our main English sessions.
Over the term, we will be learning key spelling rules linked to Spelling Shed. We will study a rule every week and then learn words that follow that rule. The games on Spelling Shed really help us to do this!
Our guided reading text this term is 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl. We will study a chapter every week and from time to time, we will use film to enhance our learning. Our reading focus this term will be on making inferences based on a character’s actions and thoughts and on making predictions based on the text.
Throughout the term, we will be reading a range of non-fiction texts, focusing on the features and structure.
During the first half-term, our topic will be Sound. The children will learn how sounds are made and how they travel to our ears. They will also explore how sound waves change over distance, the pitch of sound and, finally, we will investigate which materials are effective in absorbing sound.
After half-term, our topic will be Electricity. Here, children will learn how to be safe around electricity. They will then be introduced to the components of circuits and the children will have the opportunity to construct their own series circuit predicting which will work and justifying their reasoning.
This term our topic will be Ancient Maya. The children will learn and sequence the key periods of the Ancient Maya civilisation and identify periods that were happening in Britain at the same time. We will also describe Ancient Maya beliefs, make deductions about the Ancient Maya cities and evaluate the reasons for the decline of the Maya civilisation.
In Geography, we will be looking at where our food comes from. We will identify that different foods grow in different biomes and explain which food has the most significant negative impact on the environment. We will also consider a change people can make to reduce the negative impact of food production and explain that food imports can be both helpful and harmful.
We will also locate countries on a blank world map using an atlas and use a scale bar correctly to measure approximate distances.
In Art, the children will explore different ways to join materials to create a 3D outcome, making considered choices about the placement of materials. They will also describe how their work has been influenced by the work of El Anatsui.
In DT, the children will research, design and make their sling shot car. They will choose and use appropriate tools and materials to make their mechanical car. The children will then assess the product against their design criteria, conduct market research into existing products and provide specific feedback and adjust their design to incorporate customer feedback.
Our PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our topic this term is Dance and Gymnastics. In Dance, children will develop dance 'freeze frames' based on a visual stimulus. They will demonstrate how to link positions in a variety of ways.
In Gymnastics, they will develop an increased range of body actions and shapes to include in a sequence.
During this term, the children will learn how to format cells. They will learn to use timer and spin buttons. They will also learn how to use spreadsheets for budgeting and explore place value with a spreadsheet.
Also, we will continue to work on 'Online Safety' to ensure that children can protect themselves and others from online harm and risks which may jeopardise their personal information, lead to unsafe communications or even affect their mental health and wellbeing.
In French, children will correctly identify items of clothing. They will learn to say the words for items of clothing with accurate pronunciation, recognising that some are masculine and take un, some feminine and take une and some plural and take des. The children will also make an intelligible attempt to spell new words and compose a sentence using j’aime or je n’aime pas.
In Spring 1, we will explore different religious festivals and seek to understand the deeper meaning of the religious festivals.
In Spring 2, we will be learning about Hinduism. We will describe how Hindus show their faith within their families and faith communities in Britain today. In addition, we will raise questions and suggest answers about what is good about being a Hindu in Britain today, and whether taking part in family and community rituals is a good thing for individuals and society.
During the first half-term, our topic will be ‘Dreams and Goals’. Here the children will talk about their hopes and dreams and understand that sometimes hopes and dreams do not come true and that this can hurt. We will then discuss how to work out a step to achieve a goal and do this successfully as part of a group.
After the half-term, our topic will be ‘Healthy Me’. The children will recognise how different friendship groups are formed and how they fit into them. They will also understand that people take on the roles of leaders or followers in a group and recognise the role they take on in different situations.
Look what we have been doing...
History Showcase
On the afternoons of 5th and 6th December, we invited parents and carers into school to look at, and hear about, our amazing History learning.
To begin our new art project, the children were shown a famous painting produced by Paul Cezanne. Here, they identified the colours he used and had a go at mixing those paint colours together.
Secondly, the children were introduced to the techniques 'tinting' and 'shading' which Paul Cezanne used in his famous artwork. The children then attempted both 'tinting' and 'shading' using two different colours.
Finally, the children were able to put their 'tinting' and 'shading' skills to the test as they produced two pieces of artwork.