Year 4 Starlings
Welcome to Starlings
Class Teacher - Mr Cole
LSP - Mrs Andrews
Our learning
Autumn term
In our Maths lessons, we will be covering the following areas: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be provided with work which aims to increase confidence while developing their mathematical skills at an appropriate level. We will continue to use manipulatives to offer an engaging way of driving children to arrive at solutions to maths problems while understanding the strategy behind the process.
We will also be working on learning the times-tables securely. The children are encouraged to practise their times tables- ‘Sound Check’ on Times Table Rockstars can be used to help with this.
This half-term in English, we will be reading ‘Charlotte’s web’. We will use the text to inspire two pieces of writing: persuasive letter and non-chronological report.
Next half-term, we will be reading 'The Polar Express’ to inspire some descriptive writing, as well as diary entry.
In addition to our English work, where we focus on the text structure of writing, we will also spend time developing our punctuation and grammar skills. This will be through a combination of separate grammar and punctuation lessons and activities integrated into our main English sessions.
Over the term, we will be learning key spelling rules linked to Spelling Shed. We will study a rule every week and then learn words that follow that rule. The games on Spelling Shed really help us to do this!
Our guided reading text this term is 'Kensuke’s Kingdom' by Michael Morporgo. Our reading focus this term will be on retrieving information from a text and making inference based on character’s actions and thoughts. Throughout the term, we will be reading a range of non-fiction texts, focusing on the features and structure.
Our class novel this half-term is 'James and The Giant Peach' written by Roald Dahl.
This half term, our topic will be Animals Including Humans. The children will learn about the digestive system, describing what happens in each part. They will also learn about the four types of teeth and their functions.
After half term, our topic will be Living things and their habitats. Here the children will learn about living things in a range of habitats and the key features that helped them to identify them.
This term our topic will be ‘The Anglo-Saxons’. The children will suggest reasons for the Anglo-Saxons invasion of Britain, make inference about artefacts and describe how Anglo-Saxon beliefs changed. The children will also explain the threat the Vikings posed to the Anglo-Saxons.
To support their learning, year 4 will have the opportunity to take part in an Anglo-Saxons workshop with experts.
This term, the children will look at why the rainforest is important to us. They will state the location and some key features of the Amazon rainforest and look at ways the indigenous peoples use the Amazon’s resources.
The children will also take part in fieldwork in our local woodland.
In art, the children will learn the difference between a tint and a shade. They will mix tints and shades by adding black or white paint and then use tints and shades to paint an object in 3D.
In DT, the children will research, design and make their own book cover. They will identify the features, benefits and disadvantages of a range of fastening types and assemble their case using any stitch they are comfortable with.
Next half term, we will learn a basic biscuit recipe and adapt it. The children will describe features of biscuits using taste, texture and appearance. They will then use a budget to plan a recipe, adapting it using additional ingredients.
Our PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our focus this term is Games and Gymnastics. In Games, the children will learn to play badminton where they will develop their racket gripping skill before proceeding to the swing and shots of badminton.
In gymnastics, the children will learn to perform 6-elements sequence that uses changes in speed and direction.
Our focus in computing this term is ‘Online Safety’. The children will learn how to protect themselves and others from online harms and risks which may jeopardise their personal information, lead to unsafe communications or even effect their mental health and wellbeing. They will learn the nature of the possible threats that they could encounter whilst engaging in activity through the internet.
This term, the children will learn that adjectives change depending on whether they are describing a boy or girl. They will learn how to identify a person correctly from a description of their hair and eye colour, compose a spoken sentence to describe a friend and write sentences accurately with the correct adjectival agreement, helped by a support sheet.
This term we will be learning about Christianity. We seek to understand the kind of world that Jesus wants, and the impact of Pentecost on Christians.
During the first half term, our topic will be ‘Being Me in My World’. Here the children will learn how they fit into the school community, understand how democracy works in school, their roles and responsibilities and how they can contribute to the overall outcome in their group.
After the half term, our topic will be ‘Celebrating Difference’. The children will identify what is special about them, appreciate their unique features and learn to accept people the way they are.
Look what we have been doing...