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Year 2 Flamingos

Welcome to Flamingos

Class Teacher - Mrs Bryant

LSP - Mrs Burgess


Our learning

Spring term

In Maths this term, we will be learning about:

  • Money – We will be counting up coins and amounts of money to make totals, making the same amount of money in different ways, compare amounts of money, make a pound and find change.
  • Multiplication and division – We will be using equipment and drawing representations to solve multiplication and division problems, we will talk about the importance of equal groups and how we can use sharing to solve problems.
  • Length and height – We will measure in cm and m using different equipment and compare and order lengths and heights.
  • Mass, capacity and temperature – We will compare, order and measure mass, volume and capacity.

We will also continue our 'Mastering Number' sessions 4 times a week where we will become fluent in basic number facts. We will become more confident using our Rekenrek to demonstrate this.


In English this term, we are studying the stories of 'Percy the Park Keeper' by Nick Butterworth. We will create a winter setting description after we have collected a range of vocabulary from the story and explored a range of winter objects such as snow and ice.

We will also study the story 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will create a set of instructions about how to make a paper plate owl as well as learn facts about owls in order to create our own non-chronological report about them.

We will also study the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. We will collect a range of adjectives to describe Stick Man and create a character description.

The children will bring a reading book home every week or a phonics book which are matched to their current level, they will also have a reading for pleasure book of their choice, which allows them to practise further.  Please support us by listening to your child read their book for 10 minutes each day. Don't forget to write in their reading record book when you have heard them read!

All children will be heard reading their book in school with a teacher at least once a week in addition to phonics and guided reading sessions, so please make sure that their book bag is in school every day.


Children who have not yet completed the RWI phonics programme will continue in a phonics group.  When they have completed the phonics programme they will join a guided readng group with a focus on a selection of texts over the year.  We have a range of texts that children will be working through and will hopefully enjoy!

The children will bring a reading book home every week or a phonics book which are matched to their current level, they will also have a reading for pleasure book of their choice, which allows them to practise further.  Please support us by listening to your child read their book for 10 minutes each day. Don't forget to write in their reading record book when you have heard them read!

All children will be heard reading their book in school with a teacher at least once a week in addition to phonics and guided reading sessions, so please make sure that their book bag is in school every day.


In Science this term, we will be learning about living things and their habitats and animals including humans. We will be learning new vocabulary including: living, dead, never been alive, habitat, micro habitat, food chain, producer, consumer, predator, prey, offspring, growth, nutrition, hygiene, exercise and survival. 

In the unit living things and their habitats we will: explore the differences between things that are living, dead and never been alive, identify a range of habitats, discuss how habitats provide for the basic needs of animals and describe how animals obtain their foods from plants and other animals using a food chain.

In the unit animals including humans we will: notice that animals have offspring which grow into adults, find out and describe the basic needs of animals for survival and describe the importance of exercise, eating healthily and hygiene.

We will use a range of scientific skills including: ask simple questions, observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests, perform simple tests, identify and classify, use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions and gather and record data to help answer questions.


In History this term, our unit is called 'How did we learn to fly?' Throughout this topic we will learn about significant people from history such as the Wright brothers, Bessie Coleman, Amelia Earhart and Neil Armstrong. We will use a range of historical vocabulary such as: past, present, inventor, evidence, source and timeline.


In Geography this term, our unit is called 'Why is our world wonderful?’ Throughout this topic we will identify geographical characteristics of the UK, locate some of the amazing places in the world, name and local the oceans, look at the features of our local area, investigate local habitats and how we can protect them.


In Art this term, we will be learning about sculpture and 3D. We will use clay to do this. We will develop a range of clay work skills in order to create a tile house sculpture. We will experiment with the different ways that we can shape clay using our hands, create a pinch pot and join clay shapes, use impressing and joining techniques to make a clay tile, design and plan a house tile and make a 3D house clay tile following the design.


In DT this term, we will be using textiles and sewing to create our own pouch. We will join fabrics with a running stich, use templates to cut materials and decorate a pouch. We will be completing this project as part of our INSPIRE session! We cannot wait for parents to come into school and help us to create our pouches! More information about our INSPIRE session will follow.


In Music this term, we will be looking at West African call and response songs. We will create short sequences of sound, copy short rhythms, learn a traditional song from Ghana called ‘Che Che Kule’ and create our own call and response rhythms.


In PE this term, the children will be developing their skills in: attack, defend, shoot; send and return; dance and gymnastics. We will be developing a range of skills to improve our coordination and ball control. We will take part in lots of games to demonstrate this. We will also move rhythmically to music and develop flexibility and control with our bodies.


In Computing this term, the children will learn about the different parts of a laptop and what they are all used for. They will continue to learn how to log in using their own username and password. Children will be learning about online safety through our scheme on Purple Mash. 


In RE this term, we will be learning about Easter and why it is an important celebration for Christians. We will also be learning about the ‘good news’ that Christians say Jesus brings.

We shall also continue to celebrate other special events from different religions during this term which will be showcased in our 'Mini Topic' book.


In PSHE this term, the children will continue to have their weekly PSHE lessons where our units are ‘Dreams and goals’ and ‘Healthy me’. In these topics we will be discussing how it is important to work hard and persevere to achieve your dreams and goals. We will talk about the importance of working hard in a team and why learning with others is important. We will be discussing healthy food and nutrition as well as making healthy choices.

Look what we have been doing...

History Showcase

On the afternoons of 5th and 6th December, we invited parents and carers into school to look at, and hear about, our amazing History learning.


We developed observational drawing skills using pencils. We tried to include textures that we saw.


We read stories and experimented with how to create characters with different expressions.

We developed our illustrations to tell stories and create settings. We used a range of sketching skills that we have learned.