Year 1 Penguins
Welcome to Penguins
Class Teacher - Miss Hine
LSP - Miss Cook
Our learning
This term our learning focus is for the children to practise counting to 100, building on their prior knowledge of place value in the spring term. They will have the opportunity to learn patterns of the sequence of numbers, count forwards and back, use representations while counting and learn the written numerals of greater numbers. We will continue to develop mathematical vocabulary, recall previous learning through flashbacks and answer reasoning and problem-solving questions every day.
In addition to this, children will have the opportunity, through small steps, to explore counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s. They will begin to be introduced to multiplication and division, and the vocabulary associated with it. They will count in pairs and start to count in groups. They will learn to share amounts equally.
From this, the children will be introduced to the unit of fractions and begin to explore half of a whole, half of shapes and objects. They will have the opportunity to work practically understanding half and then half of a quantity. The children will then work on a quarter of shapes and finally, quantity, understanding equal parts. We will then move on to position and direction using the terms from the fraction unit of half, quarter turn and three-quarter turn. They will experience motion turns. This will be a new learning concept for them.
Following on, the children will then revisit Place value within 100. The unit of money begins with pre-money counters that will represent the value of money. Then finally, time. The children will explore routines and timetables, use associated vocabulary such as before, after, first, next... to describe and order events. The y will then sequence days of the week and months in a year. Children are then introduced to telling the time using an analogue clock. They are formally introduced to o'clock for the first time.
We will continue to encourage the use of the CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach in our maths lessons. This is where we use a mixture of resources that will enhance your child's mathematical understanding. We will continue to consolidate our knowledge from our previous learning while developing previously taught skills in arithmetic quizzes.
In Literacy, we will continue to use the Read Write Inc phonics scheme to promote and further develop reading and writing. This scheme teaches children the sounds in English, the letters that represent them and how to form them correctly. In this half-term, and as part of their education in phonics, the children will undertake a phonics screen test, to test their ability to read and decode a series of words. The children will also be assessed and split into appropriate groups ready for transition to year 2. Children will continue to be provided with an appropriate book to read at home to improve their fluency and speed at reading. Children will be encouraged to use the skills developed from phonics in all other curricular lessons.
In writing, children will have the opportunity to explore texts; fiction and non-fiction, to develop their creativity and understanding through descriptions, poetry and recounts. Writing opportunities will allow children to communicate and express their ideas, developed through phonics sessions, to write simple and dictated sentences. Throughout the term, we will continue to develop the children's spelling, punctuation and grammar skills.
In reading, children will continue to learn about different authors. The selection of books develops a fun, rich and enjoyable reading culture, which is crucial to developing language, vocabulary and a love of reading. We share reading at the end of each day, through topic lessons and phonics groups. Children also have the opportunity to choose a home reading book to share and read at home. The class library area promotes a love for reading that encourages children to explore a variety of texts. The children will also have the opportunity each week to use the school library to extend their love for reading and select books of their choice.
In Science, this term we will be starting our new topic of plants. They will identify and name plants - common and wild. They will be looking at the basic structure of plants, their functions and how they grow. The children will explore how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We will be growing plants of our own and will observe the changes over time. On this topic, children will have the opportunity to recall learning from Reception through recall flash back questions.
Using our knowledge from previous learning, we will learn all about trees. This time, the children will learn about different trees; deciduous and evergreen. They will continue to use their observations to ask questions and suggest answers, gather information and record what they have found out - working scientifically.
As our young scientists explore the real world, they have the opportunity to develop scientific skills that provide an opportunity for continued understanding and progression. Throughout science in year 1, children will be exposed to many scientific methods, processes and skills to improve their learning. In science, there will be plenty of opportunities for children to ask questions, take part in experiments, use observations, perform simple tests, and gather different types of data and record them.
As the seasons change throughout the school year, we will also continue to observe all different types of changes in the weather and environments across all four seasons.
In this term, we will be focusing on geography, while exploring closely the local area around us. We will be exploring different property types and learning their names. The children will have the opportunity to go on a local area walk, read street names, complete basic field work. During these lessons, children will have the opportunity to use and understand new vocabulary, write, draw, paint and research using OS maps. Google Earth will be used to explore the world we live in, including our country, local area and school.
Next, we will be learning all about The Seaside, through the creative arts. The children will have the opportunity to take part in a field trip to the seaside, understanding from maps its place and distance. Using our understanding from prior learning, children will be recalling geographical skills to understand more about coastlines around the United Kingdom, including physical and human features. They will continue to develop vocabulary as well as learn about the four countries of the UK and its capital cities. We will further extend our understanding of the seas and oceans around the UK.
Through (DT) Design Technology and IT, children will have the opportunity to design, create, test and evaluate smoothies and packaging. They will explore healthy and unhealthy foods and how these can be used to make a smoothie. They will create pieces based on a notable artist; Claude Monet. The children will use paint and explore texture to develop pieces of art individually, in groups and as a class. They will design and build windmill structures, changing their design as they create it, making it strong and using the technical elements from the carriage design. This will enable them to develop group problem-solving skills.
The children take part in two weekly lessons of PE. Our weekly Physical Education lessons will continue to take place on a Wednesday and a Friday afternoon. We want all of our children to develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. This term the focus is field sport. The children will use exercise and use movement to develop skills in racing, hurdles and group activities. The children will be required to work together in teams, and if they encounter a problem, learn to carry on and go forward with solving it. Sports day will be a focus of the term.
In computing, children will have the opportunity to use technology safely, understand how to stay safe online and navigate a website. Following this, children will explore technology, old and new, including technology within the home. They will be introduced to algorithms, following simple instructions, touched on in the maths unit of position and direction. They will continue to use the iPad to research and develop skills to make an image move using a programme, Scratch Junior and use paint to create an art piece following a trip to the seaside.
In Religious Education, children will learn about Islam. We will have the opportunity to celebrate the introduction of the Muslim culture through a fun, respectful day. Children will be able to understand the importance of a place of worship and share stories taught. They will learn about religion in the local area, including the school community, and compare what they have been taught so far, recalling through flashback questions. Children are taught to be highly respectful of different faiths, showing love, kindness and respect at all times.
Look what we have been doing...
We visited Winter Wonderland in December! We had a great time visiting Santa and seeing his elves.
We also had an inspire workshop. Have a look at the pictures!