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Here at Burnt Tree Primary School we take attendance very seriously. We actively encourage each child to achieve excellent attendance with a wide range of incentive awards as outlined further down this page under Achievement Awards. Regular school attendance is an important part of giving your child the best possible start in life. Children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work and do less well in their statutory assessments. Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child to fulfil their potential.Please click on the link below to view our Attendance Policy.


Our Senior Attendance Champion is Miss J Gamwell. Her role is to proactively manage and improve attendance across the whole school, offering support and guidance. Excellent attendance is the essential foundation to positive outcomes for all pupils including their safeguarding and welfare.

If you have any concerns that you feel may have an impact on your child’s attendance please do not hesitate to contact the Senior Attendance Champion on 0121 557 2967.

Below are just some of the key reasons why it is so important children attend school:

To learn.
To have fun.
To make new friends.
To experience new things in life.
To develop awareness of other cultures, religion, ethnicity and gender differences.
To achieve.
To gain qualifications.
To develop new skills.
To build confidence and self-esteem.
To have the best possible start in life.


Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning.
Attendance percentages can be misleading.

100 % 0 Days Missed None Excellent
95 % 9 Days Missed 1 Week and 4 Days Satisfactory
90 % 19 Days Missed 3 Weeks and 4 Days Poor
85 % 28 Days Missed 5 Weeks and 3 Days Very Poor
80 % 38 Days Missed 7 Weeks and 3 Days Unacceptable
75 % 46 Days Missed 9 Weeks and 1 Day Very Unacceptable

For some parents, 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks.


If your child arrives late to school every day their learning begins to suffer.

Below is a table showing how being late to school every day over a school year adds up to lost learning time.

        19 Days Lost
      13 Days Lost  
    10 Days Lost    
  6.5 Days Lost      
3 Days Lost        
5 Minutes Late 10 Minutes Late 15 Minutes Late 20 Minutes late 30 Minutes Late



Establish a good routine in the mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
Make sure your child goes to school regularly and follows the school rules.
Ensure your child arrives at school on time – not late.
Arrange dental and medical appointments outside school hours when possible.
Always inform the school if your child is absent due to illness. 
Take family holidays outside term time.
Talk to your child about school and take an interest in their school work (including homework).
Attend parent evenings and school events.
Praise and reward your child’s achievements at school.
Always support school staff in their efforts to control difficult or challenging behaviour.
Discuss any problems or difficulties with the school – staff are there to help and will be supportive.


You can demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by not taking holidays during term time. Any child or young person, who is absent from school due to a holiday, will miss out on important learning and will fall behind with their school work.

In each Academic Year there are only a maximum of 190 statutory school days – this allows plenty of time for holidays to be arranged outside term time.

Holidays taken during term time will be categorised as unauthorised.
Please click on the link at the bottom of the page to download and print a Leave of Absence Request Form.

Any leave of absence must be applied for on the above official form at least 3 weeks prior to commencement of the leave.


We have weekly, termly and annual Attendance Awards available for the children to earn by attending school every day.


Every pupil gaining 100% for a week has their name entered into a prize draw. One name is drawn for each class at the end of the week and is awarded with an attendance pencil. Every pupil is also entered into a termly prize draw for a golden ticket to the yearly reward day celebration.


Every pupil gaining between 98% to 100% attendance for a term is awarded with a certificate and will also receive a badge.

Bronze certificate and badge for one full term.

Silver certificate and badge for two full terms.

Gold certificate and badge for three full terms.


Every pupil gaining between 98% to 100% attendance for the whole year is awarded with a personalised certificate and a prize.

EVERY child attaining 100% for the year is invited to attend a reward day celebration for their achievement. 

There will also be places available for the most improved attendance over the year and children with the most improved punctuality over the year.

The only exceptions taken into consideration are a hospital appointment with a letter provided and 1 day for religious observance.

Year 6 Whole School Career

Every child in Year 6 achieving an overall attendance of at least 96% from Early Years through to Year 6 will receive an 'excellent attendance' medal. The pupil with the highest whole school career attendance will also receive a personalised 'outstanding attendance' trophy.