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Year 2 Flamingos

Welcome to Flamingos

Class Teacher - Mrs Bryant

LSP - Mrs Burgess


Our learning

Autumn term

In Maths this term, we will be learning about :

  • Place value - We will be using a range of manipulatives to demonstrate our knowledge of tens and ones. We will compare, order and estimate using numbers up to 100. We will use a range of vocabulary such as: tens, ones, most, least, greater than, less than and fewer than.
  • Addition and subtraction - We will be using a range of manipulatives to demonstrate our knowledge of adding and subtracting using one digit and two digit numbers. We will use a range of vocabulary such as: addend, sum, total, minuend, subtrahend and difference.
  • Shape - We will consolidate our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape names. We will also learn about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We will use a range of vocabulary such as: sides, vertices, faces, edges, symmetry and patterns.

Children in Year 2 take part in daily arithmetic lessons where they use their knowledge of number to solve problems.

We will also continue our 'Mastering Number' sessions 4 times a week where we will become fluent in basic number facts. We will become more confident using our Rekenrek to demonstrate this.


In English this term, we will study the 'Paddington Bear' stories by Michael Bond. We will create a character description using a range of sentence types, conjunctions and punctuation. Following this, we will create a set of instructions about how to make a marmalade sandwich, Paddington's favourite snack!

We will also be reading the story 'One Snowy Night' by Nick Butterworth. We will create a setting description based on Percy's snowy Winter park, using a range of sentence types, conjunctions and punctuation.


Children who have not yet completed the RWI phonics programme will continue in a phonics group.  When they have completed the phonics programme they will join a guided readng group with a focus on a selection of texts over the year.  We have a range of texts that children will be working through and will hopefully enjoy!

The children will bring a reading book home every week or a phonics book which are matched to their current level, they will also have a reading for pleasure book of their choice, which allows them to practise further.  Please support us by listening to your child read their book for 10 minutes each day. Don't forget to write in their reading record book when you have heard them read!

All children will be heard reading their book in school with a teacher at least once a week in addition to phonics and guided reading sessions, so please make sure that their book bag is in school every day.


In Science this term, we will be learning about 'materials'.

We will be learning about the properties of materials and exploring their suitability. We will use a range of vocabulary such as: transparent, flexible, rigid, hard, smooth, soft, waterproof, tough, strong, squash, stretch, bend and twist.

We will use a range of scientific skills including: ask simple questions, observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests, perform simple tests, identify and classify, use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions and gather and record data to help answer questions.


In History this term, our unit is called 'How was school different in the past?'

We will find out about the history of Burnt Tree Primary School and where it used to be in the local area. We will find out why it was rebuilt and use a range of different sources of evidence including photographs, maps, registers, school diaries and newspaper articles. We are hoping to interview someone who used to attend Burnt Tree Primary school. If you are able to help us with this part of our history topic, please let us know.

We will be opening our school history museum later in the year to showcase our work. We hope to see you there!


In Geography this term, our unit is called 'Would you prefer to live in a hot or a cold place?'

We will introduce the children to the basic concept of climate zones. We will look at features of the North and South Poles and a contrasting hot country. We will compare weather and features in the local area, learn the four compass points and learn the names and locations of the continents of our world.


In Art this term, we will be learning a range of drawing skills in order to tell our own story. We will use charcoal to investigate different drawing techniques and oil pastels to investigate texture. We will create a character with expression and we will create a scene for our story.

We will also be using paint and mixed media to investigate colour mixing and using this knowledge to create a collage.


In DT this term, we will be investigating different structures. In particular, we will look at the structure of a chair. We will explore different 3D shapes to see which have the strongest structures. We will use this knowledge to create our own chair for baby bear to sit on.


In Music this term, we will be looking at the orchestra and will learn about the different families of musical instruments. We will use this knowledge to listen to different pieces of music from stories and identify the instruments used. We will identify how the music makes us feel and how it conveys meaning to the story. We will create our own short piece of music by selecting musical instruments to create specific sounds to fit the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.


In PE this term, the children will be developing their skills in: attack, defend, shoot; send and return; dance and gymnastics. We will be developing a range of skills to improve our coordination and ball control. We will take part in lots of games to demonstrate this. We will also move rhythmically to music and develop flexibility and control with our bodies.


In Computing this term, the children will learn about the different parts of a laptop and what they are all used for. They will continue to learn how to log in using their own username and password. Children will be learning about online safety through our scheme on Purple Mash. 


In RE this term, we will be learning about Holy books. We will learn about Holy books from a range of religions. We will explore why Holy books are important to people belonging to different religions and how they treat them with respect.

We shall also continue to celebrate other special events from different religions during this term which will be showcased in our 'Mini Topic' book.


This term our PSHE units are called ‘Being me in my world’ and ‘Celebrating differences’. In these topics we will be discussing how families are different and appreciating that differences are good and they make us all unique. Children will learn to respect differences and understand that the way they live their lives might be different from how their friends live theirs.

Look what we have been doing...



We have been working hard to make different marks using charcoal.

We used pencils and oil pastels to experiment with representing different textures.

We developed observational drawing skills using pencils. We tried to include textures that we saw.


We read stories and experimented with how to create characters with different expressions.

We developed our illustrations to tell stories and create settings. We used a range of sketching skills that we have learned.