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Year 2 Flamingos

Welcome to Flamingos

Class Teacher - Mrs Bryant

LSP - Mrs Burgess


Our learning

Summer term

In Maths this term, we will be learning about :

  • Mass, capacity and temperature
  • Fractions
  • Time
  • Statistics
  • Position and direction

The children take part in daily arithmetic lessons where they use their knowledge of number to solve problems.

We will also continue our 'Mastering Number' sessions 4 times a week where we will become fluent in basic number facts. We will become more confident using our Rekenrek to demonstrate this.


In English this term, we will continue to study the story 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will use the facts we have researched about owls in order to create our own non-chronological report about them.

We will also be reading the story 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson. We will use this text as a stimulus to write a character description about Stickman and his family. We will continue to build upon our knowledge of grammar and punctuation as we learn to write more complex sentences using ambitious vocabulary.

We will be writing poetry about Spring following reading a range of different styles of poems.

We will learn to write an adventure story based on the text 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne.

Finally, we will write a recount of our Summer term trip.

The children will bring a reading book home every week as well as a phonics book, which allows them to practise further. We have a range of texts that children will be working through and will hopefully enjoy! 

All children will be heard read at least once a week in addition to phonics and guided reading sessions, so please make sure that their book bag is in school every day.


In Science this term, we will be learning about 'animals including humans' and 'plants'. 

In the unit 'animals including humans' we will: notice that animals have offspring which grow into adults, find out and describe the basic needs of animals for survival and describe the importance of exercise, eating healthily and hygiene.

In the unit 'plants' we will: observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants and find out and describe how plants needs water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.

We will use a range of scientific skills including: ask simple questions, observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests, perform simple tests, identify and classify, use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions and gather and record data to help answer questions.


In Topic this term, we will be learning about how we can lead a healthy lifestyle. We will be learning about physical health, exercise, cleanliness and hygiene as well as mental health and wellbeing. We will design and make a healthy wrap as part of our design technology work. We will create art work pieces using the techniques of printing and collage. 

We will also take part in a mini topic fieldwork study which will involve a trip around our local area. We will follow a map, pay attention to the human and physical features of Tividale including local businesses and examine Ordnance Survey symbols that can be found on maps.


In PE this term, the children will be developing their skills in athletics, ball games and outdoor adventurous activities. We will also develop skills ready to participate and compete in our school sports day later in the term.


In Computing this term, the children will learn the different parts of a laptop and what they are all used for. They will continue to learn how to log in using their own username and password. The children will be learning about online safety through our scheme on Purple Mash. 


In RE this term, we will be learning about Islam. We will specifically be learning about the Muslim place of worship, the Holy book and different religious festivals.

We shall also continue to celebrate other special events from different religions during this term which will be showcased in our 'Mini Topic' book.


In PSHE this term, the children will continue to have their weekly PSHE lessons where our units are ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’. In the topic 'Relationships' we will be discussing different types of relationships we have with people in our families, different types of touches, conflict resolution with friends, trusting others and how we can make others feel happy. In the topic 'Changing Me' we will be recognising different life cycles, learn about how we grow, the different stages of development in humans and how our bodies are different.

Look what we have been doing...


We had lots of fun in our INSPIRE session with our parents making bags as part of our DT project!

We had lots of fun in our INSPIRE session with our parents making bags as part of our DT project!

We had lots of fun in our INSPIRE session with our parents making bags as part of our DT project!

Here are some of our finished bags!

Here are some of our finished bags!

Here are some of our finished bags!

We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?


We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?


We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?


We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?

We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?

We created diorama habitats in Science lessons. Here are our finished dioramas! Can you guess what habitats we created?